Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Membuat Tabel Identifikasi Iklan, Halaman 199 dan 200

Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Membuat Tabel Identifikasi Iklan, Halaman 199 dan 200, pembahasan materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP ini bisa menjadi panduan teman-teman dalam memahami tentang Membuat Tabel Identifikasi Iklan dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Dilansir Fajar Pendidikan dari ringtimesbanyuwangi, Berikut ini penjelasan lengkap tentang Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Membuat Tabel Identifikasi Iklan, Halaman 199 dan 200. Simak di bawah ini…..

Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Halaman 199 dan 200

1.Advertisment about Indonesian Course

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Services: Indonesian Course

Varieties: For foreigners

Price: Not available

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Time/Place: ABC Indonesian Course

Contact number/email address: 081201012 or

Selling points/promoting words:

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– Experienced & friendly teachers.

– We can come to your place.

2.Advertisment about English Course

Services: English Course

Varieties: For children, SMP and SMA students

Baca Juga:  Perkembangbiakan Generatif pada Tumbuhan: Pengertian, Jenis, dan Manfaatnya

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Bima English Course

Contact number/email address:

Selling points/promoting words: Interesting events in English

3.Advertisment about Jaipong lesson

Services: Jaipong Lesson

Varieties: Not available

Price Not: available

Time/Place: Every Saturday, 10 am – 12 pm, Bangsal Budaya, Sumedang

Contact number/email address: Asep Subagja at 0812128123

Selling points/promoting words: Free

4.Advertisment about housework service

Services: Housework services

Varieties: Services for your gutters, fences, floors, ditches

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Not available

Contact number/email address: Heri, 08131940257

Selling points/promoting words: Need help to clean and fi x your house?

5.Advertisment about translation

Services: Translation

Varieties: English-Indonesian, Indonesian-English

Price: Not available

Time/Place:  ABCD Translation Service

Contact number/email address: 031-8627672

Selling points/promoting words:

– Experienced translators

– Free pick-up and delivery

6.Advertisment about brand new 2 bedroom houses

Baca Juga:  Sumber Daya Alam yang Tidak Dapat Diperbarui

Goods: Brand new 2-bedroom houses

Varieties: Not available

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Not available

Contact number/email address: Rumah Kita, 08159929439

Selling points/promoting words:

– Ceramic floors, big sinks, shower and bath

– Near market and bus terminal

Contact number/email address: Ahmad, 021-28808080

Selling points/promoting words:

– Newly polished

– Delivered to your place for free

7.Advertisment about motor

Goods: Motors

Varieties: All brands, new and used

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Not available

Contact number/email address: Rianto, 0865234565

Selling points/promoting words: Good prices

8.Advertisment about books

Goods: Books, magazines, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias, CDs, etc

Varieties: Old and new; local and imported

Price: Not available

Time/Place: Toko Buku Cerdas, Jl. Dwima 6-7 Blitar

Contact number/email address: Not available

Selling points/promoting words: Not available


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